Features to scale and optimize your B2C sales processes

Discover all the features of Vixiees, systematize your daily interactions with potential customers, and make your sales processes more efficient and controlled.


Productivity features

Features that increase productivity and reduce human errors

Lead Routing

Intelligent Automated Lead Routing with criteria and priorities based on your needs. With our flow designer, you define priorities and the step-by-step process for your leads.

Task Prioritization

The system automatically prioritizes the next communication the agent needs to make. You can customize the priorities for each communication.

Lead Transfer

Automatically transfer leads between agents and departments within your company. No loss of contacts, calls, or messages.

Lead Scoring

Vixiees helps you by establishing the level of progress for each lead. You can view lead scoring in both Vixiees and your CRM and set priorities.

Activity Feed

All the information about your contacts gathered in one place and inbox. All interactions, calls, emails, SMS, and WhatsApp unified.

Automatic Call Tagging

The system automatically detects when a call has been answered, canceled, gone to voicemail, or left unanswered.

Custom Fields in Contact

Create as many fields as you need to support your activity and use them as you prefer, according to your business.

Documentation Management

Manage and store the documentation sent by your customers and keep it in their contact profile.

Documentation via WhatsApp

Send and receive documentation via WhatsApp. It is automatically stored in the Vixiees contact profile.

Desktop Notifications

Receive all the necessary notifications to ensure you don't miss any communication.


Facilitate agent conversations and work with a guide that enhances the presentation of products and services.

Sales Notes

Each contact has their own comments where agents provide relevant business information.

Agent Status

Have control over the status of each agent at all times. You can see who is online/offline and what task they are performing.

Vacation Mode

With Vacation Mode, all of an agent's tasks are automatically transferred to the rest of the team.

Calling Features

Enhance communications with your customers with our integrated call center.

Call Queue

Incoming calls are organized into call queues based on the rules and priorities you specify in the sales playbook.

Call Recording

Automatically record all calls in Vixiees. Later, you can listen to the recordings to analyze your team's performance.

Call coach

Listen to your team's calls live and talk to them without the customer hearing you. Use it for training, correction, assistance, and more.

Working Hours

Set the working hours during which your team will be available to receive calls from your customers. Outside those hours, you can customize a message.

Welcome Message

Customize the welcome message for incoming calls from your company.

Phone Number Validation

Vixiees verifies that a given phone number is correct and from the indicated country.

International Phone Numbers

Acquire international phone numbers with prefixes. Allows your local customers to call at national rates.

Free Phone Numbers

Acquire toll-free phone numbers (800; 900) so that your customers can call you for free.

Progressive Calls

The system makes progressive calls and connects answered calls with the assigned agent.

Predictive Calls

The system calls a group of numbers and connects the assigned agent to each answered call.

Email Features

All communications generated from your emails unified in Vixiees

Email Templates

Create email templates for the responses you use most frequently or to streamline your communications.

Email Account Validation

Vixiees validates that an email address to which you send an email actually exists.

Integration with Gmail and Microsoft

Integrate and centralize your Gmail or Microsoft professional inbox in Vixiees.

Whatsapp Features

Communicate with your customers on the channels where they spend most of their time, without losing control.


Have an inbox for each agent to consolidate all your conversations.

Contact Ownership

Assign an owner to each conversation so that each agent talks to their assigned contacts.

Send Messages

Send messages on a unified communication platform.

Message Reception

Receive WhatsApp messages in a unified inbox.

Template Creation

Create the required and Meta-validated templates within Vixiees to start conversations with your customers.

Quick Replies

Create quick replies for the texts you use most frequently to make your agents more productive.

Quality Rating

Get information about the quality and spam score that WhatsApp assigns to your account.

Attached Documents

"Receive and send attachments, and store them in each contact's profile in Vixiees

Control over your WhatsApp Business account

Control and manage your WhatsApp Business Account from Vixiees.

Performance and analytics Features

Monitor and measure the performance of your sales team both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Real time dashboard

Measure and monitor the status of your sales team in real-time so you can make immediate decisions.

Agent Performance Reporting

Measure your team's performance and execution beyond just the results. How many tasks they complete per day, which salesperson is performing better, and who is falling behind.

Call Statistics

Measure phone call performance with advanced statistics.

Email Statistics

Track the success of your emails with statistics on sendings and openings.

WhatsApp Statistics

Understand the importance and performance of WhatsApp in your business processes.


Artificial Intelligence and Quality Control

Improve your processes without limits and without the need for new resources thanks to Vixiees AI.

Instant Transcriptions

Get accurate transcriptions of your agents' calls, even the most challenging ones.

Call Summary

Instant AI-powered summaries help you gain a global view of each call without investing long hours in listening to calls.

Sentiment Analysis and Quality Control

Sentiment Analysis from another planet to identify words that shouldn't have been mentioned and to repeat the ones that work best.

Quality Control Audits

Automatically audit that your mandatory sales script and processes are being followed.


Integrate all your tools with Vixiees; your team needs everything in one solution.

API Integration

Integrate all your systems with the Vixiees API. The possibilities are limitless.

Tasks via API

Automatically create sales tasks by sending conditions from any other tool via API.

WhatsApp via API

Automate sending WhatsApp messages to your customers via API. We are verified partners of Meta.

Other Features

Other features that help you in Vixiees.


Safely operate across all tools: telephony, WhatsApp, email, and more.

User Management

Create, delete, and manage all users of your company account in Vixiees.

Role Management

Manage your team's roles based on their teams, functions, and competencies.

Vacation Management

Manage your sales team's vacations so that all contacts are transferred to the rest of the team.

Unlimited simultaneous calls

In Vixiees, you can have as many simultaneous calls as the number of people available in your team.

Login with G Suite and Microsoft

Easily and quickly log in with your G Suite and Microsoft credentials.

Looking for other features?

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A strategic call with our team at your disposal to understand your case